Izzo kizzay! Izzall rizzight!

As my tens of loyal readers know, I’ve been an editor for Static Media for over a year now. For a nomad like me, that’s quite the tenure. I’m mostly editing at Nicki Swift, the celebrity news website. I’ve even gotten to write a few articles, all about dishy celebrity gossip. I’m really pleased with these pieces and thrilled to share them!

The Extremely Short Amount of Time Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra Were Actually Married — this kind of vintage gossip is my favorite. The pictures! The tell-alls! The sheer 90s decadence!

How Senior Royal Advisers Reportedly Prepared For Prince Harry’s Memoir — personally, I think that Americans fought a whole big war so we didn’t have to worry about the British royal family and their doings anymore. But that’s a fight I lost a long time ago! People care about the royals, and I give the people what they want.

If you’re not the gossip type, please direct your attention to my musical projects: Queen Mob and Night City Publishing. If you’re the sort who gets the title of this post, you’ll want to keep an eye out for a few projects we have due out with hip-hop poet/legend Mike Ladd.